When optimizing Kubernetes applications, typically the goal is to find the configuration that assigns resources to containerized applications so as to minimize waste and ensure the quality of service.
Please refer to the Kubernetes optimization pack for the list of component types, parameters, metrics, and constraints.
Applying parameters
Akamas offers different operators to configure Kubernetes entities. In particular, you can use the FileConfigurator operator to update the definition file of a resource and apply it with the Executor operator.
The following example is the definition of a deployment, where the replicas and resources are templatized in order to work with the FileConfigurator:
Akamas can access Kubernetes metrics using the Prometheus provider. This provider comes out of the box with a set of default queries to interrogate a Prometheus instance configured to fetch data from cAdvisor and kube-state-metrics.
Here’s a configuration example for a telemetry provider instance that uses Prometheus to extract all the Kubernetes metrics defined in this optimization pack: