Online installation behind a Proxy server

This section describes how to setup an Akamas Server behind a proxy server and to allow Docker to connect to the Akamas repository on AWS ECR.

Configure Docker daemon

First, create the /etc/systemd/system/docker.service.d directory if it does not already exists. Then create or update the /etc/systemd/system/docker.service.d/http-proxy.conf file with the variables listed below, taking care of replacing <PROXY> with the address and port (and credentials if needed) of your target proxy server:


Once configured, flush the changes and restart Docker with the following commands:

sudo systemctl daemon-reload
sudo systemctl restart docker

For more details, refer to the official documentation page: Control Docker with systemd.

Configure the Akamas containers

To allow the Akamas services to connect to addresses outside your intranet, the Docker instance needs to be configured to forward the proxy configuration to the Akamas containers.

Update the ~/.docker/config.json file adding the following field to the JSON, taking care to replace <PROXY> with the address (and credentials if needed) of your target proxy server:

  "proxies": {
    "default": {
      "httpProxy": "<PROXY>",
      "httpsProxy": "<PROXY>",
      "ftpProxy": "<PROXY>",
      "noProxy": "localhost,,/var/run/docker.sock,database,optimizer,campaign,analyzer,telemetry,log,elasticsearch,metrics,system,license,store,orchestrator,airflow-db,airflow-webserver,kong-database,kong,user-service,keycloak,logstash,kibana,akamas-ui,grafana,prometheus,node-exporter,cadvisor,konga,benchmark"

For more details, refer to the official documentation page: Configure Docker to use a proxy server.

Run Akamas

Set the following variables to configure your working environment, taking care to replace <PROXY> with the address (and credentials if needed) of your target proxy server:


Once configured, you can log into the ECR repository through the AWS CLI and start the Akamas services manually.

Last updated

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