Install the license

Logging into Akamas requires a valid Akamas license.

To install a license get in touch with Akamas Customer Service to receive:

  • the Akamas license file

  • your "customer name" to configure in the variable AKAMAS_CUSTOMER for Docker installations or akamasCustomer for Kubernetes installations

  • the URL to configure in the AKAMAS_BASE_URL variable for Docker installations

  • login credentials

Once you have this information, you can issue the following commands:

cd <your bundle files location>

akamas install license <license file you have been provided>

akamas login
# prompt for user and password

To get the administrator's initial password for Kubernetes installations, run the following command:

kubectl get secret -n <NAMESPACE> akamas-admin-credentials -o go-template='{{.data.password | base64decode}}'

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