[AIAS-03] Create the system

To model the Online Boutique inside Akamas, we need to create a corresponding System with its components in Akamas, and also associate a Prometheus telemetry instance to the system to allow Akamas to collect the performance metrics.

Now you need to first login to Akamas with the following command:

akamas login --user <login> --password <password>

Start by installing the necessary optimization packs:

akamas install -f optimization-pack Web-Application

Then, create the Online Boutique system using the artifacts you previously downloaded:

akamas create system kubernetes-online-boutique/akamas/system/system.yaml

You should see a message like this:

   name              description     
ac8481d3-d031-4b6a-8ae   0eeff7cd-bdee-4c65-ae   Online Boutique   The Online Boutique  
9-c7b366f027e8           62-fd7c9d95cf27                           by Google            

Now, you can create all the components by running:

akamas create component kubernetes-online-boutique/akamas/system/components/ "Online Boutique"

Lastly, create the telemetry instance:

akamas create telemetry-instance kubernetes-online-boutique/akamas/telemetry/prom-aias.yaml "Online Boutique"

At this point, you can access the Akamas UI and verify that the Online Boutique system and its components are created under the Systems menu:

Notice that this System leverages the following Optimization Packs:

  • Kubernetes: it provides a component type required to model each Kubernetes Pod - one for each Deployment in the Online Boutique.

  • Web Application: it models the end-to-end metrics of the Online Boutique, such as the application response time and throughput.

Last updated