[AIAS-03] Guide: Create an Optimization Study for a K8s microservice app using the Akamas CLI

This guide describes how to optimize the cost efficiency of Online Boutique, a Kubernetes microservice application, using the Akamas CLI. All the corresponding configuration files and scripts required are available in the Akamas GitHub repository (see here below).

Notice that the Online Boutique application used as the target system runs on a minimal Kubernetes cluster and is available in the Akamas In-A-Sandbox environment.

Download artifacts

All the configuration files and scripts referenced in this guide can be downloaded from Akamas' public GitHub repository.

To start, clone the repository.

git clone https://github.com/akamaslabs/kubernetes-online-boutique.git

What you will learn

  • How to use the Akamas CLI to create an Optimization Study and all its supporting artifacts

  • How to model the Online Boutique application (which is available in the environment)

  • How to configure Prometheus to let Akamas collect Kubernetes performance metrics

  • How to optimize a Kubernetes application using Akamas

What you will need

  • Access to the Akamas-In-A-Sandbox (AIAS) environment with valid credentials.

  • Install the Akamas CLI and use your free trial instance URL as API address as follows: https://<your-free-trial-sandbox-address>:8443

Last updated