Creating workflows for offline studies
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A workflow for an offline optimization study automates all the actions required to interface the configuration management and load testing tools (see the following figure) at each experiment or trial. Notice that metrics collection is an implicit action that does not need to be coded as part of the workflow.
More in detail, a typical workflow includes the following types of tasks:
Preparing the application, by executing all cleaning or reset actions that are required to prepare the load testing phase and ensuring that each experiment is executed under exactly the same conditions - for example, this may involve cleaning caches, uploading test data, etc
Applying the configuration, by preparing and then applying the parameter configuration under test to the target environment - this may require interfacing configuration management tools or pushing configuration to a repository, restarting the entire application or some of its components to ensure that some parameters are effectively applied, and then checking that after restarting the application is up & running before the workflow execution continues, and checking whether the configuration has been correctly applied
Applying the workload, by launching a load test to assess the behavior of the system under the applied configuration and synthetic workload defined in the load testing scenarios - of course, a preliminary step is to design a load testing scenario and synthetic workload that ensures that optimized configurations resulting from the offline optimization can be applied to the target system under the real or expected workload
The Optimization examples section provides some examples of how to define workload for a specific technology. In a complex application, a workflow may include multiple actions of the same type, each operating on separate components of the target system. The Knowledge base guide provides some real-world examples of how to create workflows and optimization studies.
A workflow interrupts in case any of its steps does. A failing workflow causes the experiment or trial to fail. This should be considered as a different situation than a specific configuration not matching optimization constraints or causing the system under test to fail to run. For example, if the amount of max memory configured was too low, the application may fail to start.
When an experiment fails, the Akamas AI engine takes this information into account and thus learns that that parameter configuration was bad. This way, the AI engine automatically tries to avoid the regions of the parameter space which can lead to low scores or failures.
This explains why it is important to build robust workflows that ensure experiments only fail in case bad configurations are tested. See the specific entry Building robust workflow in the best practices section below.
Creating effective workflows is essential to ensure that Akamas can automatically identify the optimal configuration in a reliable and efficient way. Some best practices on how to build robust workflows are described here below.
Some additional best practices related to the design and implementation of load testing are described in the Performing load testing to support optimization activities page.
Since Akamas workflows are first-class entities that can be used by multiple studies, it might be useful to avoid creating (and maintaining) multiple workflows and instead define workflows that can be easily reused, by factoring all differences into specific action parameters.
Of course, this general guideline should be balanced with respect to other requirements, such as avoiding potential conflicts due to different teams modifying the same workload for different uses and potentially impacting optimization results.
Akamas takes into account the exit code of each of the workflow tasks, and the whole workflow fails if a task exits with an error. Therefore, the best practice is to make use of exit codes in each task, to ensure that task failures can only happen in case of bad parameter configuration.
For example, it is important to always check that the application has correctly started and is up and running (after a new configuration has been applied). This can be done by:
including a workflow task that tests the application is up and running after the tasks where the configuration is applied;
making sure that this task exits with an error in case the application has not correctly started (typically after a timeout).
Another example is when the underlying environment incurs issues during the optimization (e.g. a database might be mistakenly shut down by another team). As much as possible, all these environmental transient issues should be carefully avoided. Akamas also provides the ability to execute multiple task retries (default is twice, configurable) to compensate for these transient issues, provided they only last for a short time (the retry time and delay are also configurable).
Building workflows that ensure reproducible experiments
As for any other performance evaluation activity, Akamas experiments should be designed to be reproducible: if the same experiment (hence, the same parameter configuration) is executed multiple times (i.e. in multiple trials), the same performance results should be found for each trial.
Therefore, it is fundamental that workflows include all the necessary tasks to realize reproducible experiments. Particular care needs to be taken to correctly manage the system state across the experiments and trials. System state can include:
Application caches
Operating system cache and buffers (e.g. Linux filesystem page cache)
Database tables that fill up during the optimization process
All experiments should always start with a clean and well-known state. If the state is not properly managed, it may happen that the performance of the system is observed to change (whether higher or lower) not because of the effect of the applied parameters, but due to other effects (e.g. warming of caches).
Best practices to consistently manage system state across experiments include:
Restoring the system state at the beginning of each experiment - this may involve restarting the application, clearing caches, restoring DB tables, etc;
Allowing for a sufficient warm-up period in the performance tests, so to ensure application performance has reached stability. See also the recommended best practices about properly managing warm-up periods in the following section about creating an optimization study.
Another common cause that can impact the reproducibility of experiments is an unstable infrastructure or environment. Therefore, it is important to ensure that the underlying infrastructure is stable and that no other workload that might impact the optimization results is running on it. For example, beware of scheduled system jobs (e.g. backups), automatic software updates or anti-virus systems that might not explicitly be considered as part of the environment but that may unexpectedly alter its performance behavior.
Taking into account workflow duration
When designing workflows, it is important to take into account the potential duration of their tasks. Indeed, the task duration impacts the duration of the overall optimization and might impact the ability to execute a sufficient number of experiments within the overall time interval or specific time windows allowed for the optimization study.
Typically, the longest task in a workflow is the one related to applying workload (e.g. launching a load test or a batch job): such tasks can last for dozens of minutes if not hours. However, a workflow may also include other ancillary tasks that may provide nontrivial contributions to the task durations (e.g. checking the status to ensure that the application is up & running).
Making workflows fail fast
As general guidance, it is better to fail fast by performing quick checks executed as early as possible. For example, it is better to do a status check before launching a load test instead of possibly waiting for it to complete (maybe after 1h) just to discover that the application did not even start.