User and Workspace management commands

This page describes all commands that allow users and workspaces to be managed with their options (see also common options available for all commands).


create a workspace

update a workspace

delete a workspace

list users

create a user

describe a user

update user profile

update user password

delete a user

Notice: an Akamas workspace (user) is an Akamas resource (see list of Akamas resources) so you can also refer to resource management commands.

Create workspace

The create workspace command allows defining a new workspace:

akamas create workspace NAME

The following snippet shows an example:

akamas create  workspace 'New Workspace'

After the workspace has been created you can add users to the workspace with the following command:

akamas update user <user> -w 'New Workspace' W

See Update user section for further details

Update workspace

The update workspace command allows updating the workspace name:

akamas update workspace [OPTIONS] IDENTIFIER

with the following options:


--name TEXT


New workspace name

The following snippet shows an example:

akamas update workspace 'New Workspace' --name 'New Name'

Delete workspace

The delete workspace command allows deleting a workspace:

akamas delete workspace [OPTIONS] IDENTIFIER

with the following options:




Show this message and exit

The following snippet shows an example:

akamas delete workspace 'New Workspace'

List users

The list users command returns the list of the available users.

akamas list users

The following snippet shows an example:

$ akamas list users

                 Id                    Username   First Name   Last Name   Workspaces       User Type
66778cc3-4b01-4f3e-8921-c279600c8e07   akamas     -            -           -              Administrator
ae8bfe02-e32d-480b-92ed-30a8d8e835ef   newuser    new          user        Default W      User
                                                                           Workspace1 R

Create user

The create user command allows defining a new user and assigning it to one or more workspaces.

akamas create user [OPTIONS]

with the following options


-u, --username TEXT



-p, --password TEXT



--first-name TEXT


User first name

--last-name TEXT


User last name

--email TEXT


Valid email

-w, --add-to-workspace TEXT


Add the user to the specified workspace with the specified role (R|W) (e.g., --add-to-workspace WORKSPACE_A R). The option can be specified multiple times to add more workspaces.



Specify if you want to give Administration privileges to the user

The default policy requires the password to satisfy the following rules:

  • Include one or more uppercase characters (A-Z)

  • Include one or more special characters (~!@#$%^&*_-+=`|\(){}[]:;"'<>,.?/)

The username and password can be either provided interactively or as command arguments.

The following snippet shows the process of creating a new user interactively:

$ akamas create user

Username: newuser
Repeat for confirmation:
User first name: John
User last name: Doe

The same action can be performed using the command options:

$ akamas create user -u newuser -p P455w0rd

Describe user

The describe user command returns the details of a valid user matching the provided username or ID:

akamas describe user IDENTIFIER

Notice: users without administrative privileges can only describe their profiles, while administrators can inspect any profile.

The following snippet shows an example:

akamas describe user newuser

# Id         | a81fd6e5-aedc-4b74-b6d2-40650441935b
# Username   | newuser
# First Name | new
# Last Name  | user
# Email      |
# Workspaces | - Default R
#            | - Workspace1 W
# User Type  | User

Update user

The update user command allows updating the user profile attributes for the user matching the username or ID:

akamas update user [OPTIONS] IDENTIFIER

with the following options:


--first-name TEXT


User first name

--last-name TEXT


User last name

--email TEXT


Valid email

-w, --add-to-workspace TEXT


Add the user to the specified workspace with the specified role (R|W) (e.g., --add-to-workspace WORKSPACE_A R). The option can be specified multiple times to add more workspaces.

-r, --remove-from-workspace TEXT


Remove the user from the specified workspace



Specify if you want to give Administration privileges to the user



Specify if you want to remove Administration privileges to the user

For single sign-on users is possible to update only the workspaces and the administration privilege. It is not possible to modify the profile info.

The following snippet shows an example of updating the email of a user:

akamas update user --email '' newuser

This command is also used to grant or revoke access to workspaces and administrative privileges to users.

The following snippet shows an example of updating the user’s workspace access privileges, adding write privileges on Workspace 1, and revoking access on Default:

akamas update user -w 'Workspace 1' W -r Default newuser

Update password

The update password command updates the password for the user matching the username or ID:

akamas update password [OPTIONS] IDENTIFIER

with the following options:


-p, --password TEXT


New password

Users without administrative privileges can update only their own passwords, while administrators can perform this action on any profile.

Single sign-on users can't change their password using the Akamas CLI. They must manage their passwords through the configured external identity provider.

The default policy requires the password to satisfy the following rules:

  • Include one or more uppercase characters (A-Z)

  • Include one or more special characters (~!@#$%^&*_-+=`|\(){}[]:;"'<>,.?/)

The password can be either provided interactively or as command arguments.

The following snippet shows the prompts to update the user password:

akamas update password newuser

# New password:
# Repeat for confirmation:

The same action can be performed using the command options:

akamas update password -p P455w0rd newuser

Delete user

The delete user command removes the user with the provided username or id:

akamas delete user IDENTIFIER

with the following options:




Automatic yes to prompts

The following snippet shows an example of deleting interactively a user:

akamas delete user newuser

Confirm deletion of newuser [y/N]: y

Last updated