AWS provider

The AWS provider collects price metrics for Amazon Elastic Compute Cloud (EC2) from Amazon’s own APIs.

This provider imports just one metricaws_ec2_price which is available in the EC2 component type of the AWS Optimization pack.


This section provides the minimum requirements that you should match before using the AWS telemetry provider.

This telemetry provider makes use of parameters aws_ec2_instance_type andaws_ec2_instance_size to identify the price. When using this provider make sure that your system has a component of type EC2 and that those parameters are defined in the baseline and, if optimized, in the parameters selection.

AWS users and policy requirements

  • An IAM user who has been granted the AWSPriceListServiceFullAccess policy, that is the following permissions:

    • DescribeServices

    • GetAttributeValues

    • GetProducts

You may find more information on AWS cost permissions here.

Akamas supported version

  • Versions >= 2.0.0 are compatible with Akamas from version 1.9.0

Supported component types

  • EC2

Components configuration

In order to gather price information about a component you’re required to input an extra field in its definition:

  • region, which tells the provider the AWS region of the modeled instance

Please note this field is mandatory and must be specified as follows:

# Specification for a component, whose metrics should be collected by the AWS Provider
name: aws_1 # name of the component
description: aws_1 instance to tune # description of the component
        region: us-east-1 # AWS region of the component

Here is a complete list of AWS region names, together with their Akamas-compatible codes:

Last updated