Create Dynatrace telemetry instances

The installed provider is shared with all users of your Akamas installation and can monitor many different systems, by configuring appropriate telemetry provider instances.

To create an instance of the Dynatrace provider, build a YAML file (instance.yml in this example) with the definition of the instance:

# Dynatrace Telemetry Provider Instance
provider: Dynatrace
  token: XbERgThisIsAnExampleToken

Then you can create the instance for the system using the Akamas CLI:

akamas create telemetry-instance instance.yml system

Configuration options

When you create an instance of the Dynatrace provider, you should specify some configuration information to allow the provider to correctly extract and process metrics from Dynatrace.

You can specify configuration information within the config part of the YAML of the instance definition.

Required properties

Collect additional metrics

You can collect additional metrics with the Dynatrace provider by using the metrics field:

  token: XbERgkKeLgVfDI2SDwI0h
- metric: "akamas_metric"                     # extra akamas metrics to monitor
  datasourceMetric: builtin:host:new_metric   # query to execute to extract the metric
  - "method"      # the "method" label will be retained within akamas

Configure a proxy for Dynatrace

In the case in which Akamas cannot reach directly your Dynatrace installation, you can configure an HTTP proxy by using the proxy field:

  token: XbERgkKeLgVfDI2SDwI0h
    address: https://dynaproxy  # the URL of the HTTP proxy
    port: 9999                  # the port the proxy listens to

Telemetry instance reference

This section reports the complete reference for the definition of a telemetry instance.

provider: Dynatrace  # this is an instance of the <name> provider
  token: XbERgkKeLgVfDI2SDwI0h
    address: https://dynaproxy # the URL of the HTTP proxy
    port: 9999            # the port the proxy listens to
    username: myusername  # http basic auth username if necessary
    password: mypassword  # http basic auth password if necessary
    Environment: Test       # dynatrace tags to be matched for every component

- metric: "cpu_usage"  # this is the name of the metric within Akamas
  # The Dynatrace metric name
  datasourceMetric: "builtin:host.cpu.usage"
    mergeEntities: true  # instruct the telemetry to aggregate the metric over multiple entities
  aggregation: avg  # The aggregation to perform if the mergeEntities property is set to true

This table shows the reference for the config section within the definition of the Dynatrace provider instance:

Proxy options reference

This table reports the reference for the configproxy section within the definition of the Dynatrace provider instance:

Metrics options reference

This table reports the reference for the metrics section within the definition of the Dynatrace provider instance. The section contains a collection of objects with the following properties:

Use cases

This section reports common use cases addressed by this provider.

Collect system metrics

Check the Linux optimization pack for a list of all the system metrics available in Akamas.

As a first step to start extracting metrics from Dyntrace, generate your API token and make sure it has the right permissions.

As a second step, choose a strategy to map your Linux component (MyLinuxComponent) with the corresponding Dyntrace entity.

Let’s assume you want to map by id your Dynatrace entity, you can find the id in the URL bar of a Dyntrace dashboard of the entity:

Grab the id and add it to the Linux component definition:

name: MyLinuxComponent
description: this is a Linux component
    id: HOST-A987D45512ABCEEE

You can leverage the name of the entity as well:

name: MyLinuxComponent
description: this is a Linux component
    name: Host1

As a third and final step, once the component is all set, you can create an instance of the Dynatrace provider and then build your first studies:

name: Dynatrace
  url: https://my_dyna_installation_url
  token: MY_DYNA_TOKEN

Last updated