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Different levels of support are provided for software versions of Akamas products, starting from its general availability (GA) date, and depending on the release of following software versions.
Akamas adopts a three-place numbering scheme MA.MI.SP to designate released versions of its Software, where:
MA is the Major Version
MI is the Minor Version
SP is the Service Pack or Patch number
The following table describes the three levels of support for a software version.
At any time, Akamas reserves the right to "end of life" (EOL) a software product and to terminate any Maintenance & Support Services for such product, provided that Licensor has notified the Licensee at least 12 months prior to the above-mentioned termination.
The period of time occurring between the "end of life" notification and the actual termination of Maintenance & Support Services is provided as follows:
No new enhancements will be introduced.
No enhancements will be made to support new or updated versions of the platform on which the product runs or which it integrates.
New hotfixes for problems of high technical impact or business exposure for customers may still be developed. Based on customer input, Akamas Support Agents will determine the degree of impact and exposure and the consequent activities.
Reasonable efforts will be done to inform the Customer of any fixes, service packs, patches, or workarounds applicable to the reported case if any.
Full Support
Akamas provides full support for one previous (either major or minor) version in addition to the latest available GA version.
For Software version in Full Support level: Akamas Support Agents provide service packs, patches, hotfixes, or workarounds to make the Software operate in substantial conformity with its then-current operating documentation.
Limited Support
Following the Full Support period, Akamas provides Limited Support for additional 12 months.
For Software versions in Limited Support level:
No new enhancements will be made to a version in "Limited Support" Akamas Support Agents will direct Customers to existing fixes, patches, or workarounds applicable to the reported case, if any;
Akamas Support Agents will provide hot fixes for problems of high technical impact or business exposure for customers;
Based on Customer input, Akamas Support Agents will determine the degree of impact and exposure and the consequent activities;
Akamas Support Agents will direct Customers to upgrade to a more current version of the Software.
No Support
Following the Limited Support period, Akamas provides no support for any Software version.
For Software versions in No Support level: No new maintenance releases, enhancements, patches, or hot fixes will be made available. Akamas Support Agents will direct Customers to upgrade to a more current version of the Software.