Configure an external identity provider

To configure an external identity provider, access the Keycloak administration console exposed on the /auth page of your installation; for example,

Now log into the Administration Console using the admin user. The password for such a user can be retrieved in different ways, depending on the installation method:

  • Kubernetes. A custom password can be specified during the installation by providing a value keycloak.adminPassword in the helm chart. If this value was left unspecified, you can retrieve the auto-generated password with the following command:

kubectl get secret keycloak-admin-credentials \
  -o go-template='{{ .data.KEYCLOAK_ADMIN_PASSWORD | base64decode }}'

Note that you might need to provide the namespace in which Akamas have been installed using the flag -n namespace

  • Docker.

    A custom password can be specified during the installation by providing a value for the variable KEYCLOAK_ADMIN_PASSWORD in the environment or in the docker-compose file. if during the installation you didn't specify the value, you can retrieve the auto-generated password with the following command:

docker exec -it keycloak cat /config/keycloak_admin | cut -d '|' -f1

Once logged in, select the akamas realm from the dropdown menu and navigate to the Identity providers section.

From here on, the steps required to proceed with the configuration vary depending on the provider you are integrating with. Select yours from the guides below:

Last updated