Akamas patches and upgrades need to be installed by following the specific instructions specified in the package provided. In case of new releases, it is recommended to read the related Release Notes.
Under normal circumstances, this usually requires the user to update the docker-compose configuration, as described in the next section.
Docker-compose Configuration
When using docker-compose to install Akamas, there’s a folder usually named akamas in the user home folder that contains a docker-compose.yml file. This is a YAML text file that contains a list of docker services with the URLs/version pointing to the ECR repo hosting all docker images needed to launch Akamas.
Here’s an excerpt of such a docker-compose.yml file (this example contains 3 services only):
In order to update to a new version you should replace the versions (1.7.0 or 2.3.0) after the colon with the new versions (ask your Akamas support for the correct service versions for a specific Akamas release) then you should restart Akamas with the following console commands:
First login to Akamas CLI with:
akamas login
and type username and password as in the example below
ubuntu@ak_machine:~/akamas/ $ akamas login
User: akamas
User akamas logged in. Welcome.
Now make sure you have the following AWS variables with the proper value in your Linux user environment:
Then pull all new ECR images for the new service versions you just changed (this should be done from when inside the same folder where file docker-compose.yml resides, usually $HOME/akamas/) with the following command:
ubuntu@ak_machine:~/akamas/ $ docker compose up -d
pgadmin4 is up-to-date
prometheus is up-to-date
benchmark is up-to-date
kibana is up-to-date
node-exporter is up-to-date
store is up-to-date
grafana is up-to-date
cadvisor is up-to-date
Starting telemetry-init ...
Starting curator-only-pull-image ...
Recreating database2 ...
Recreating airflow-db ...
Starting kong-initializer ...
akamas-ui is up-to-date
elasticsearch is up-to-date
Recreating kong-db ...
Recreating metrics ...
logstash is up-to-date
Recreating log ...
...(some logging follows)
Wait for a few minutes and check the Akamas services are back up by running the command:
akamas status -d
The expected output should be like the following (repeat the command after a minute or two if the last line is not "OK" as expected):
Checking Akamas services on http://localhost:8000 service status
analyzer UP
campaign UP
metrics UP
optimizer UP
orchestrator UP
system UP
telemetry UP
license UP
log UP
users UP