Authentication commands

Except for the administration commands, all commands representing Akamas' operations require authentication.


Login credentials can be passed as an argument to Akamas CLI:

akamas login -u <user> -p <password> -w <workspace>
  • If the user, password, or organization are not specified as parameters, they will be asked via a prompt. Beware that passing the password as an argument makes it visible in the command line history. Therefore it should always be typed by the CLI secure prompt.

  • If the workspace is specified and the user has access to it, it will be set as the default workspace for the session.

  • If the login is successful, a message like the following will be printed: <username> logged in. Welcome."

  • If the login fails because the credentials are wrong or the user is not authorized to access, the error message "Login failed: Invalid user credentials" will be printed.

The fill reference for the Akamas login command is.

akamas login [-u|--user USERNAME] [-p|--password PASSWORD] [-w|--workspace WORKSPACE] [-o|--organization ORGANIZATION]

If one of the environmental variables is specified, the corresponding parameter will not be asked to the user. Workspace and Organization are not needed for login, they will not be asked even if not specified.


When logged in, this command will log out the current user

akamas logout

On success the message "Logout successful." will be printed.


Last updated