Hardware Requirements

Running in your data center

The following table provides the minimal hardware requirements for the virtual or physical machine used to install the Akamas server in your data center.

Running on AWS EC2

To run Akamas on an AWS Instance you need to create a new virtual machine based on one of the supported operating systems. You can refer to AWS documentation for step-by-step instructions on creating the instance.

As shown in the following diagram, you can create the Akamas instance in the same AWS region, Virtual Private Cloud (VPC), and private subnet as your own already existing EC2 machines and by creating/configuring a new security group that allows communication between your application instances and Akamas instance. The inbound/outbound rules of this security group must be configured as explained in the Networking Requirements section of this page.

It is recommended to use a m5.xlarge instances with at least 70GB of disks of type GP2 or GP3 and select the latest LTS version of Ubuntu.

Supported AWS Regions

Akamas can be run in any EC2 region.

You can find the latest version supported for your preferred region here.

AWS Service Limits

Before installing Akamas on an AWS Instance please make sure to meet your AWS service limits (please refer to the official AWS documentation here).

Running on a laptop

This special case is also referred to as "Akamas-in-a-box" and is covered by the akamas-in-a-box installation guide.

Last updated