Useful commands

You may find helpful some of the commands listed in the sections below.

Read database passwords

By default, access to each service database is assigned to a user with randomly generated passwords. For example, to read the campaign service database password, execute the following command:

kubectl get secret database-user-credentials -o go-template='{{ .data.campaign | base64decode }}'

The username for the campaign service can be found in the configuration file under each service section. To read the username for the campaign service set during the installation, launch the following command:

helm get values akamas --all --output json | jq '.campaign.database.user'

You can connect to the campaign_service database with the user and password above.

If you want to show all the passwords, execute this command:

kubectl get secret database-user-credentials -o go-template='{{range $k,$v := .data}} {{printf "%s: %s\n" $k ( $v |base64decode ) }}{{end}}'

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