LoadRunner metrics mapping
This page describes the mapping between metrics provided by LoadRunner to Akamas metrics for each supported component type.
Component Type | Notes |
Web Application
Component metric | LoadRunner metric |
users | The average number of users active in a specific timeframe. |
transactions_throughput | The average throughput of LoadRunner transaction (requests), per second |
transactions_response_time_min | The min response time of LoadRunner transaction (requests) |
transactions_response_time_max | The max response time of LoadRunner transaction (requests) |
transactions_response_time | The response time of LoadRunner transaction (requests) |
transactions_response_time_p50 | The 50th percentile (weighted median) of the response time of LoadRunner transaction (requests) |
transactions_response_time_p85 | The 85th percentile of the response time of LoadRunner transaction (requests) |
transactions_response_time_p95 | The 95th percentile of the response time of LoadRunner transaction (requests) |
transactions_response_time_p99 | The 99th percentile of the response time of LoadRunner transaction (requests) |
pages_throughput | The average throughput of LoadRunner pages (transactions breakdown, second level) , per second |
pages_response_time_min | The min response time of LoadRunner pages (transactions breakdown, second level) |
pages_response_time_max | The max response time of LoadRunner pages (transactions breakdown, second level) |
pages_response_time | The response time of LoadRunner pages (transactions breakdown, second level) |
pages_response_time_p50 | The 50th percentile (weighted median) of the response time of LoadRunner requests |
pages_response_time_p85 | The 85th percentile of the response time of LoadRunner transaction breakdown, first level (pages) |
pages_response_time_p95 | The 95th percentile of the response time of LoadRunner transaction breakdown, first level (pages) |
pages_response_time_p99 | The 99th percentile of the response time of LoadRunner transaction breakdown, first level (pages) |
requests_throughput | The average throughput of LoadRunner requests, per second |
requests_response_time_min | The min response time of LoadRunner requests |
requests_response_time_max | The max response time of LoadRunner requests |
requests_response_time | The response time of LoadRunner requests |
requests_response_time_p50 | The 50th percentile (weighted median) of the response time of LoadRunner requests |
requests_response_time_p85 | The 85th percentile of the response time of LoadRunner transaction breakdown, second level (requests) |
requests_response_time_p95 | The 95th percentile of the response time of LoadRunner transaction breakdown, second level (requests) |
requests_response_time_p99 | The 99th percentile of the response time of LoadRunner transaction breakdown, second level (requests) |
requests_error_throughput | The number of requests (transactions breakdown, first level) flagged as error by LoadRunner, per second |
Last updated