Some of these optional properties depend on whether the study is an offline or live optimization study.
Number of trials
It is possible to perform more than one trial per experiment to validate the score of a configuration under test, e.g., to consider noisy environments.
The following fragment of the YAML definition of a study sets the number of trials to 3:
numberOfTrials: 3
Notice: This is a global property of the study which can be overwritten for each step.
Trial aggregation
The trial aggregation policy defines how trial scores are aggregated to form experiment scores.
There are three different types of strategies to aggregate trial scores:
AVG: the score of an experiment is the average of the scores of its trials - this is the default
MIN: the score of an experiment is the minimum among the scores of its trials
MAX: the score of an experiment is the maximum among the scores of its trial
The following fragment of the YAML definition of a study sets the trial aggregation to MAX:
trialAggregation: MAX # Other possible values are AVG, MIN
The following system refers to an offline optimization study for a system modeling an e-commerce service, where a windowing strategy is specified:
system: "bde4f259-9a51-4c67-87aa-3c5bc599c6b9" # id of the system to optimize with the actions defined in this study
workflow: "eshop_jmeter_test" # name of the workflow to use to perform trials
name: Optimizing the e-shop application # name of the study
goal: # the performance goal to achieve
objective: "maximize"
formula: "eshop.payments_per_second"
windowing: # the temporal window in which to compute the score of a trial
type: "trim"
trim: ["10s", "0s"] # use the duration of the trial minus 0s from start and end to compute the score of the trial
parametersSelection: "all" # use all available configuration parameters
metricsSelection: "all" # gather all metrics
steps: # the steps to conduct to perform experiments and trials
- name: "my_baseline" # do first a baseline with the provided configuration
type: "baseline"
jvm.maxHeap: 2048
jvm.gcType: "-XX:+UseParallelGC"
- name: my_optimization # then do 20 optimization experiments of 2 trials each
type: optimize
numberOfExperiments: 200
numberOfTrials: 2
The following offline study refers to a tuning initiative for a Cassandra-based system (ID 2)