Azure Active Directory

This page provides a walkthrough to configure Azure Active Directory as an external identity provider for Akamas users.

You will need an Azure account with the Application.ReadWrite.All permission, required to create app registrations in your Azure AD tenant.

Configure the App registration

To integrate Akamas with your Active Directory, you first need a dedicated App registration in your Azure Organization. If you want to use an existing registration, skip to Get the client configuration; to create a new one, refer to the following sub-section.

​​Multiple Akamas instances can share the same app registration. It implies that any AD user added to a registration could access all the associated Akamas instances.

If you need to manage accesses with finer granularity, create a dedicated registration for each Akamas installation.

Create a new App registration

To create a new registration, navigate to "App registrations" in your Azure portal and select "New registration" and specify the following:

  • a name for the application

  • the account type that best suits your use case

Complete the creation by clicking on "Register".

Get the client configuration

On the "Overview" page of the application, note the following values:

  • Application (client) ID

  • OpenID Connect metadata document (found in the "Endpoints" side panel)

Furthermore, in the "Certificates & secrets" section, create a new Client secret and note its value.

With these values, we can now complete the provider configuration in the Keycloak console.

Create the Identity provider

Access the Identity providers section for the "akamas" realm in the Keycloak administration console, as described on the page Configure an external identity provider, and select "OpenID Connect v1.0" to start creating the new provider.

Here, specify an alias for the client ("microsoft" in our case) and optionally the display name used in the login page ("Microsoft").

In the "OpenID Connect settings" section, configure the following fields using the values from the app registration in the Azure portal:

  • "Discovery endpoint": populate with the URL of the "OpenID Connect metadata document". This box should become green upon successful validation.

  • "Client ID": populate with the "Application (client) ID" from the app's overview page

  • "Client Secret": populate with the value of the generated secret

Complete the configuration by clicking "Add". You will land on the detail page of the new provider: here, copy the value of the redirect URI.

Complete the app registration

Back to the app registration in the Azure portal, navigate to the "Authentication" section. Add the "Web" platform (if not already present).

Finally, add to the list of redirect URIs the one from the previous step.

You have now configured Akamas to delegate to Azure your users' login.

When changing the hostname of the Akamas installation, you need to update the redirect URI configured in the app registration. Skipping this step will block any login attempt with the following error:

The redirect URI 'https://...' specified in the request does not match the redirect URIS configured for the application '...'.

Configure the default Akamas roles

The final setup step is to instruct Akamas to associate the default roles with the users automatically. This way, users will be added to the default workspace with read and write permissions the first time they log in.

On the Keycloak console, on the provider's details page, navigate to "Mappers":

Now, add the following configurations.

User role

  • Name: User role

  • Mapper type: Hardcoded role

  • Role: USER

User Role map

Default Workspace Read

  • Name: Default Workspace Read

  • Mapper type: Hardcoded role

  • Role: WS_ac8481d3-d031-4b6a-8ae9-c7b366f027e8_R

Default Workspace Write

  • Name: Default Workspace Write

  • Mapper type: Hardcoded role

  • Role: WS_ac8481d3-d031-4b6a-8ae9-c7b366f027e8_W

Test the integration

Visit the installation's login page to check that the new authentication method is displayed and works correctly.

Last updated