Software Requirements

Operating System

The following table provides a list of the supported operating systems and their versions.

On RHEL systems Akamas containers might need to be run in privileged mode depending on how Docker was installed on the system.

Software packages

The following table provides a list of the required Software Packages (also referred to as Akamas dependencies) together with their versions.

The exact version of these prerequisites is listed in the following table:

Read more about how to set up Akamas dependencies.

Akamas user

To install and run Akamas it is recommended to create a dedicated user (usually "akamas"). The Akamas user is not required to be in the sudoers list but can be added to the docker (dockeroot) group so it can run docker and docker-compose commands.

Make sure that the Akamas user has the read, write, and execute permissions on /tmp. If your environment does not allow writing to the whole /tmp folder, please create a folder /tmp/build and assign read and write permission to the Akamas user on that folder.

Last updated