Accessing Keycloak admin console

The Keycloak administration console is exposed on the /auth page of your installation; for example,

Now log into the Administration Console using the admin user. The password for such a user can be retrieved in different ways, depending on the installation method:

  • Kubernetes. A custom password can be specified during the installation by providing a value keycloak.adminPassword in the helm chart. If this value was left unspecified, you can retrieve the auto-generated password with the following command:

kubectl get secret keycloak-admin-credentials \
  -o go-template='{{ .data.KEYCLOAK_ADMIN_PASSWORD | base64decode }}'

Note that you might need to provide the namespace in which Akamas has been installed using the flag -n namespace

  • Docker.

    A custom password can be specified during the installation by providing a value for the variable KEYCLOAK_ADMIN_PASSWORD in the environment or the docker-compose file. if during the installation you didn't specify the value, you can retrieve the auto-generated password with the following command:

docker exec -it keycloak cat /config/keycloak_admin | cut -d '|' -f1

Akamas realm

Once logged in, select the akamas realm from the dropdown menu and navigate to the Identity providers section.

Last updated