This page describes the Optimization Pack for AWS EC2.


CPU and Networking


CPU Credits

Disk Credits



Notice: for the following parameters to take effect, the instance needs to be stopped and changes need to be applied before restarting the instance.


The following table shows a sample of constraints that are required in the definition of the study, depending on the tuned parameters.

Notice that AWS does not support all combinations of instance types and sizes, so it is better to specify them beforehand in your constraints to avoid unnecessary experiment failures.

Instance size

To limit the combination of the instance type and sizes to those only supported by AWS or to those of interest for a particular study you can use a constraint such as the following: \

  - name: Instance Types
    formula: (host.aws_ec2_instance_type == "c5" && (host.aws_ec2_instance_size == "large" || host.aws_ec2_instance_size == "xlarge" || host.aws_ec2_instance_size == "2xlarge")) || (host.aws_ec2_instance_type == "c5a" && (host.aws_ec2_instance_size == "large" || host.aws_ec2_instance_size == "xlarge" || host.aws_ec2_instance_size == "2xlarge")) || (host.aws_ec2_instance_type == "m5" && (host.aws_ec2_instance_size == "large" || host.aws_ec2_instance_size == "xlarge" || host.aws_ec2_instance_size == "2xlarge")) || (host.aws_ec2_instance_type == "m5a" && (host.aws_ec2_instance_size == "large" || host.aws_ec2_instance_size == "xlarge" || host.aws_ec2_instance_size == "2xlarge"))

This constraint is built by connecting multiple constraints such as the following one with the OR operator ||

host.aws_ec2_instance_type == "c5" && (host.aws_ec2_instance_size == "large" || host.aws_ec2_instance_size == "xlarge" || host.aws_ec2_instance_size == "2xlarge")

These constraint instruct akamas to only use large, xlarge and 2xlarge size for instances of type c5.

Last updated