Create LoadRunner Professional telemetry instances

To create an instance of the LoadRunner provider, build a YAML file (instance.yml in this example) with the definition of the instance:

# LoadRunner Telemetry Provider Instance
provider: LoadRunner
 username: akamas
 password: mypassword
 shareName: akamas_lr_results

Then you can create the instance for the system using the Akamas CLI:

akamas create telemetry-instance instance.yml system

Configuration options

When you create an instance of the LoadRunner provider, you should specify some configuration information to allow the provider to correctly extract and process metrics from LoadRunner.

You can specify configuration information within the config part of the YAML of the instance definition.

Required properties

  • hostname: The hostname or IP of the server that hosts the CIFS share where the LoadRunner results have been exported. See LoadRunner operator.

  • username: The username and the domain required to access the network share. Supported formats are:

    • username

    • domain\username

    • username@domain

  • password: The password required to access the network share

  • shareName: The name of the network share as it is exposed by the server

Telemetry instance reference

The following YAML file provides the reference for the definition of a telemetry instance.

provider: LoadRunner # this is an instance of the LoadRunner provider
 hostname: # Share server
 username: user@mycompany
 password: mypassword
 shareName: akamas_lr_results
 pathPrefix: YAML
 resultsFolder: YAML

The following table describes the reference for the config section within the definition of the LoadRunner provider instance:

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