Trim windowing

A windowing policy of type trim trims the temporal interval of a trial, both from the start and from the end of a specified temporal amount (e.g., 3 seconds).

The trim windowing has the following structure:

Value restrictions
Is required
Default value





the type of windowing strategy


array of strings

The length of the array should be two.

Valid values should have the form of a whole number followed by either "s", "m", or "h"


How to trim the temporal interval of a trial to get the window. ["0s", "10m"] means trim 0 seconds from the start of the interval, 10 minutes from the end. ["0s", "1h"] means trim 0 seconds from the start, 1 hour from the end



The name of a task of the workflow associated with the study


If the field is specified, the trim offset calculation for the window will be applied from the start time of the assigned task. Otherwise, it will be calculated from the start time of the trial.

In case a windowing policy is not specified, the default windowing corresponding to trim[0s,0s] is considered.


The following fragment shows a windowing strategy of type "trim" where the time window is specified to start 10s after the beginning of the trial and to end immediately before the end of the trial:

windowing: # the temporal window in which to compute the score of a trial
  type: "trim" # type of windowing is trim
  trim: [10s, 0s]

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